
March 5 Airport site to close in three months

The first to close was the airport, we spoke highly of honour and self sacrifice, and keep our doubts inside.  The town closed in on itself, like an armadillo, we hibernated, stagnated and grew dim. In the early days people tried to escape, but not anymore. By June it'll be a year, the incubation of our isolation. The sky is clear and quiet and fast bigger than before. It might be ok after all.

March 4 Ten people ill after taking heroin, police say

The dumbing down continues as we forget what numbers mean and nod silently, waiting to be told to stop. Once, when we were young, one jug of water was too wet, so I added sand to make mud and later that year you made me a vase out of the mud that I couldn't put water in. The truth is always less interesting than the possibility that it's actually a lie. As we grow more creased and bent truth and lies blur and fade until we are alone, free of others. We are less relevant now, more than ever, or perhaps our relevance has turned inwards. The kiln still heats up hotter than my oven, hotter than my heart, and if we crawled in together we'd melt into one another.  It's tempting some days

March 3 Eight-second goalkeeper rule - what happens next

Nostalgia isn't as good as it used to be. In a bid to reinvigorate the beautiful game and reconnect with the working man and woman from next season teams will be allowed to play two games a season to park rules. These may include only scoring from headers or volleys, skins vs reds or wag and rush keeper. To make things exciting and modern rush keepers can only last 8 seconds before someone else goes in goal. Some are excited by this, I, am not.

March 2 How closed building reflects city's 'social changes'

Now anyone can be artists, poets, musicians or playwrights. Thanks to the latest AI developments and a generational trawling, pillaging and evisceration of the creative industries, we are no longer post truth, but entering a new era of post tho ught.   And amongst one of the first examples of this democratisation is a massive sculpture of a derelict department store erected in the centre of Tamworth, which the artist states represents derelict department stores.   We need Vikings more than ever.  

March 1 MP calls for action on dump making people 'sick'

In other news Brighton and Hove’s MP, Mr William Donnelly is at it again. P osting on his social media, Mr Donnelly repeat ed  his latest proposal will be beneficial for everyone, business and locals alike , once more claim ing to have the support of over a tho usand residents, a claim, the BBC once again , has been unable to verify .   In response Miss Mary Agombar , the Mayor of Lewes has stated Lewes is a fragrant , prosperous and historic town, and she will not allow  it to be covered by a large glass dome .  

February 28 NHS trust asks people to surrender old medicine

In the latest bout of austerity, and partly connected to the recent   reintroduction of W it ch D octors and Shamen into the NHS to address the current staffing crisis, a large appeal has been made for any old tablets, tin c tur es, medicine or food colouring to be handed into local pharmacies where they will be blessed, mixed up under a full moon and be handed out to school children by lollipop ladies and Ice Cream vans.   If most are ok, we expect adults to follow later towards Easter.