April 1 Death accused told of 'other men'
The Tomahawk is a particular weapon, unique in it's use by a single cultural group, the Native Americans. When thrown from a distance of 6 to 30 feet it is deadly. I am very skilled in Tomahawk throwing. The man we accuse is at most 8 feet away. He untied his wrists without us noticing but continues to sit there smiling at us, waiting for us to make the next step. We should respect other peoples cultures he says and deep down we all know that. Normally someone would cave his head in right now but no one does. If he is telling the truth then we should worry what will happen when the others arrive : he is telling the truth I can feel it. When five Seminole Indian men went to search for the great Spirit Above they fell off the edge of the world and were put in a pot and cooked, surviving only as men angels, I don't want that to happen so I put down my tomahawk and leave.