
Showing posts from August 30, 2011

August 30 S Korea replaces top man on North

"The fall of your country will not occur in one momentous event but rather through a series of small incremental stages. If you can read the signs then you will survive the change. As is written in many holy books, the apocalypse will be heralded by four riders, in the case of North Korea these will be Primark, Currys Digital, Top Shop and Footlocker. Once these appear you will know the end is nigh for each will rip a chasm in your society through which the future, in your case, the superior South will burst through. These angels, these visitors from the south, will float amongst you in golden boots and usher in the new Utopia. Watch the skies and be ready." Chong-Pil finishes reading, rolls up the paper and replaces it in silken recess within the silver egg.  Already a week has passed since it fell upon his head but as a simple farmer he feels ill equipped to deal with such knowledge. Tomorrow night, when his uncle arrives, he will bring him the egg and he will know what t...