
Showing posts from March 2, 2025

March 2 How closed building reflects city's 'social changes'

Now anyone can be artists, poets, musicians or playwrights. Thanks to the latest AI developments and a generational trawling, pillaging and evisceration of the creative industries, we are no longer post truth, but entering a new era of post tho ught.   And amongst one of the first examples of this democratisation is a massive sculpture of a derelict department store erected in the centre of Tamworth, which the artist states represents derelict department stores.   We need Vikings more than ever.  

March 1 MP calls for action on dump making people 'sick'

In other news Brighton and Hove’s MP, Mr William Donnelly is at it again. P osting on his social media, Mr Donnelly repeat ed  his latest proposal will be beneficial for everyone, business and locals alike , once more claim ing to have the support of over a tho usand residents, a claim, the BBC once again , has been unable to verify .   In response Miss Mary Agombar , the Mayor of Lewes has stated Lewes is a fragrant , prosperous and historic town, and she will not allow  it to be covered by a large glass dome .  

February 28 NHS trust asks people to surrender old medicine

In the latest bout of austerity, and partly connected to the recent   reintroduction of W it ch D octors and Shamen into the NHS to address the current staffing crisis, a large appeal has been made for any old tablets, tin c tur es, medicine or food colouring to be handed into local pharmacies where they will be blessed, mixed up under a full moon and be handed out to school children by lollipop ladies and Ice Cream vans.   If most are ok, we expect adults to follow later towards Easter.