
Showing posts from September 26, 2011

September 26 Stewart quizzed on pixie comments

I looked like Daffy Duck when I came back from the barbers, that hadn't been the plan I was sure but life seemed twisted out of shape at the time so even this I doubted. George called and asked me to pick up some cards for the night; the boys nights in thing seemed something we should've grown out of by now but as women clearly found us unsuitable to their needs we continued. I made some pasta and ate it watching the telly, on it, a plump woman showed rich people how to buy big houses, I turned it off and went to the toilet. Whilst sat there I heard my neighbour next door quizzing her boyfriend, it's a partition wall, we live in a very poor part of town. " You said I looked like a Pixie, what did you mean by that? " " I didn't, I said you looked foxy " " No you didn't, pixie you said, like one of those pixies on toadstools or something, why do you say hateful things like that to me ? " I missed the next part of the conversation du...