They came from, well, I dunno where they came from but there were at least three, no four cars tearing up the place, at first we thought they were just kids, looking to scare folk or impress girls or such like but then they began to hit the pumps and when those things go up, well you know it ain't a game then.
They were empty, you know what I mean, I mean empty, no one was driving em but they kept on driving themselves any ways, into the buildings, into the pumps, into people...
I don't how they survived the explosions, don't seem possible but then again, none of this seems possible when you think about it.
We had to keep them back, when the first guy got, well you know, that's when we had to hold them back 'cos he was their friend and everything but you know, after things started to go well, you know, we didn't need to hold 'em back anymore.
That's all, I've told you this already haven't I?