January 25 Body of Italian TV host stolen

My name is Domenico Sorrentino and I am worried I'm alone. He hasn't spoke for over two hours now although I think I can hear something sometimes, muffled, through muslin, a breath or a sob, it's hard to tell. That's what I'm telling myself anyway.

A fog came across the stage earlier in the day, the studio audience assumed it was part of the show but then the coughing began. It can't have been more than a minute before the air cleared but in that time daytime TV's Italo Sousa's body completely vanished leaving his voice alone, the laconic drawl becoming more anxious and piqued as the understandable panic began to take hold.

It's now been examined by people in white overalls and confirmed by people in expensive suits that Sousa isn't invisible in a sense that we would understand and therefore we assume his body to be stolen. That's what we do, we make sense of the stuff that can't be explained and then we wait until it is. It's my turn to sit and talk to him, keep him company whilst we wait for something to happen. The last thing I heard him say was he wanted to sleep.


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