March 27 Artists' fear for Thomas Centre
Paul's nose was plugged with dust, his skin prickly to the touch but the balsa figures were finished just in time. Tomorrow, the council leaders were coming for their final consultation meeting and by this time next month he and the other artists, prop makers and photographers would be looking for new premises. Unless...
Quietly, to avoid waking the mechanics Alsatian across, he carried the statues one by one into the street. It was dark, little chance of being disturbed, thankfully. He'd have to sleep there to be sure, his car, a blue polo was parked up ready; blankets and a hot flask on the passenger seat. After a few more finishing touches then opening the door by key rather than risk the beeping of the remote control clicker, he settled down and pulled the blanket tight.
Paul went through the plan and worried once again that he'd only actually seen it work in a cartoon.
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