June 11 Spain arrests Anonymous suspects

Twenty seven anonymous men arrested for causing damage to areas of lawns in suburban areas of Madrid: the message ran across the TV screen whilst Gael tried to watch the football. His grandmother snorted, started to say something but began to cough and forgot what she doing.

Fourteen women arrested for causing slow punctures to bicycles in Palermo centre.

Pepe and Miriam burst through the door in a ball of arms and teeth, fighting for the remote: the football was in the air, heading towards Manu, their top striker, he was head and shoulders above the defender before Bruce Willis suddenly took his place, disappearing into a lift. Pepe had been quicker than his kid sister. As the lift doors closed the good news continued to slide by.

Thirty two people have been arrested for making holes in clothing and hiding keys.

Chelo, his mother sat forwards and patted the dogs head, " Ah, they are making Spain a safer place, see, Gael, see Pepe, Miriam, Mother, do you see? Things will get better now, you mark my words "

Four hundred people arrested for vandalism and making public transport unhygienic.

Gael kept quiet, he knows no one was arrested really, not actual skin and bones, just phantoms, but he keeps quiet, for the good of society.


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