June 22 Police to share national database

No one speaks after the interview and Dale wishes, not for the first time, that he'd bought the bar in Spain when he'd had the chance, bad things seemed to happen to good people here. They walk back to the car in silence, his driver holds the door open as they enter the basement, at least he couldn't have heard the interview down there.

"Some one please say something, make this better than it is "
" It wan't as bad as you think Minister " Arnold, his personal secretary tries to reassure him
" Don't give me that Arnold, your lips move and make those sounds but your eyes say something else don't they ? " Attacking those who offer him comfort.
Teri jumps in, " No, he's right, you did make some good points, it's just that some of.." she tails off without finishing the sentence.

" I just told three million listeners they could now register a stolen bicycle with the Police and shop for a replacement at Halfords at the same time didn't I ? "
" yes, you did "
" And was that one of the good points? "

No reply, Dale closes his eyes and listens to the sound of the wheels on the road and the wind rushing by and he's back on the beach, it is hot, time for a siesta.


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