September 18 Collision blocks city bus station

" Reckon it wouldnt be long before you showed up "
Albert greets me with a plastic cup of liquified coco beans and indicates to follow him. My watch shows it's not nine yet, if I'm lucky I'll still get to Dads for supper.
" how many you think we have ? "
It's hard to answer, there's blood everywhere and a couple of hands, both slightly chinese looking, the rest of the stuff is too small to identify, clods of bone and gristle.
" Well must be a at least three, Id say  "
I indicate the three large areas of flesh and blood, each up to ten feet apart.
" Idiot, "  the cups knocked from my hand and I get a slap round the face for emphasis.
" These goddamn blocks, sent her hurtling from one to another, like a pinball, she got slammed into nothing. Just the one, pretty girl I bet, but she's gone now, mushed. "
I nod, know better than to question.
" Seems like no one saw it again."
The collision blocks were designed to to save lives, to provide buffers in areas of high human / vehicle combinations yet they'd claimed fourteen lives in the past six months, all obviously unreported.
" You do your thing now, decide what happened here, write the story " he holds my gaze until I look down.
I turn my back, Dad will still be up if I rush, the girl could wait till tommorow. I wonder if she has anyone waiting for her, is her father warming soup right now ?
" Ok, Albert, see you next time old man ",


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