September 24 Mexico drops internet terror case
You gets the mouse like and it's boom, a touchpaper, a wick to the ticking bomb of the internet. The wickedness of all the world curated and stated bold as brass. There are times for us to be strong and this is one of those. I, your president today give you my promise, my faith, my honesty that we will manage this matter, I have personally taken hold of the terror at the heart of the internet, I have smelt its rotting heart and felt it's lust and aggression send it's messages to every cell in my body. But, I, like our great country, am strong. Like tigers I can eat poisoned meat and still rip down trees. We drop this down like a righteous anvil.
And this is why the Mexican Government is monitoring all internet activity of it's people now ?
The terror continues and builds, if we do not siphon it's power we will become a flabby decadent society without morals.
And these steps will halt this
A blueprint for the world, knowledge is no longer power, knowledge is crippling, in time you will come to understand this.
After that last sentence he logged out, I'm still not sure if he was telling the truth.
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