November 13 Nothing discovered in city alert

on Sunday, 13 November 2011
I kick through the rubbish as we work our way through the streets, empty tins of nectarines, a single marigold glove in pink, greying lumps that once were paper, broken bits of plastic crushed by boot or wheel.
The sweat forms on my back but I prefer to remain covered, a noise brings me out of my thoughts.
" Over here, "  Jie, indicating a pile of rocks that used to be a home.
" What you got ? " Breath quickening, hard to run with all the kit. Time is short, Jie called out too loudly, we won't be on our own for much longer.
" Just help "
And I hear a sound, breathing perhaps, blood pumping, but I'm now not sure if it's external or internal now so I join him, pulling at the rocks, cutting our hands, splitting our nails.
As we dig I hear a voice, quietly, calmly, telling me to hurry. Jie hears it too and begins clambering into the rocks like they're breakers on the Cornish coast, parting them with his knees, hurling them over his head, kicking the ground with his boots. I move to the left and follow his lead, triangulating the centre of the rock pile. More rocks than I can count are lifted, strewn and thrown behind us, the pile begins to flatten out, deflated, but ominously flat. And quiet.
The sun is higher now, sending shadows out towards us.
" It's nothing " Jie speaks, his voice measured " let's go "
I nod and we retrace our steps back to the outside of the rock pile. It's time to go home.

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